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Dental anxiety - when going to the dentist causes fear

Most people don't like going to the doctor. Usually you go to the doctor if you feel bad or if you have an illness. Many people are particularly afraid of going to the dentist. The fear of all too brute methods seems to be deeply rooted. It does not necessarily have to be a matter of having a tooth extracted - it can also be the harmless plaque prophylaxis that frightens patients. Are you looking for a dentist in Bern who understands you and can take away your fear? Then you have come to the right place.

No pain thanks to the new treatment options

In our dental practice in Bern we offer state-of-the-art dental treatment - without pain and without fear. It is particularly important to us that our patients are not afraid of visiting the dentist. Because only regular visits to the dentist can effectively prevent damage to teeth, holes and caries and thus avoid pain. Toothache is not caused by a visit to the dentist, but when you do not go to the dentist because you are afraid. Let us give you an appointment in our dental practice in Bern and we will discuss your worries in peace. Nowadays, nobody has to be afraid of treatment at the dentist.

Not afraid to visit the dentist

Don't be afraid of visiting us at the dental clinic in Bern. During the treatment we go through the steps with you before and during the treatment constantly, so that you know at any time what happens and can follow the treatment. With us there is no 'it hurts for a moment' - we work with the latest, reliably effective local anaesthetics that block the pain. If you still have worries or fears - contact us. Together for your dental health.

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